My Flaws My Laws|Armzy


By Kakulu Armstrong Praise *Armzy 9ation*

Let me welcome you to this brand new inspiring section on Beninspirationals, I am highly grateful to my sponsors Beninspirationals & Associates for this platform!

My flaws my Laws as its titled is meant to inspire everyone of this present age towards creating a positive impact in  the available time they have on earth.

Its meant to bring our awareness to the dangers of not having a legal plan in this morning hour of our lives.
 The late rapper Tupac Amaru Shakur said "death is not the greatest loss, the greatest lost is what dies inside a man when he's still alive"
No man really regrets what he couldn't do in his 50s or 60, he regrets what he didn't do in his 20s & 30s!
I believe Learning from the experiences of others will help us avoid such regrets!

So this is what this section is about!
My Flaws (Experiences), My Laws (Guide Lines)!
So get ready to learn, get ready to #Binspired and be impact-full!

Here is a recent poem of mine to jump start this session!

In my head the memories couldn't lay to rest... -Armzy 9ation

In my head the memories couldn't lay to rest. And on my shoulder I felt the weight of it all...
Deep in my heart my conscience put me to test.... Asking where had it begun where have I flopped....

Thoughts were like wine for a broken soul... So were pains, undenied its liberty... I cant lie in my misery too long...
But seek a change that would ease my pain... Time was my only solution.... Healed was my shattered dreams and mind...
Defined was a man with flaws and perfection.... For all I understand my flaws made my laws:.. #9ation.

For better understanding let's look at the The English words, Flaws & Laws!

Flaws: meaning imperfection!
Laws: Rule(s) established by authority or custom; their influence or operation; statement of what always happen in certain circumstances...

Some thought Provoking questions we should all ask ourselves!

What are your flaws and laws?
What are those mistakes that seems right but with wrong outcome?
What are those deeds thats doubt your might?
Or those errors that seems to have no solution?

What are your fears in life?
Did your flaws make or mar you?
Did it encourage you to never give up?
Did it change your perspective about life? Did it build up your walls of discipline or eliminate your dreams?
Whats are your dreams and how do you plan on achieving them?

Whats morals did you learn frothy your mistakes?
Do you seek change for greatness?. ....
"For I choose to wear the rags of greatness than the swags of shame"..Armzy 9ation

Thank you very much for joining me, I hope you'll  stay8 with me on this ride by subscribing or join me on Facebook and whatsapp +2348148345372 for updates, you can also join the harshtag #MyflawsMylaws on Twitter.
Please share, leave a comment or suggestion, I would love to hear from you! Catch ya!  

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